Saturday, March 18, 2006

Dell User Loves His Porn!

I dedicate this vdeo to the people who've worked on Dell broadband sales at eTelecare. You're part of the revolution, guys. Click to view.

Now that's a pitch the Dell broadband guys should use: Get better porn with broadband for your Dell!

(Via John C. Dvorak.)

St. Patrick's Blogaversary

I have some Irish blood, so I stand out among stocky bronze Filipinos as a tall white freak. Kinda like Conan O'Brien. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

It's also the first anniversary of this blog. Yup, one year high on information narcosis. :)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Resize Windows to Common Resolutions

I always watch the usability of my applications at various screen resolutions.

That's why Sizer is a godsend. This neat little freeware app allows me to resize any window to common screen resolutions. Interface designers everywhere will love it.

(Via Lifehacker.)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Support the Video Game Voters Network

Too many Philippine politicians are clueless monkeys who simply mimic US politicians.

That's why I support the Video Game Voters Network in their fight against US antigamer legislation. Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton keep insisting it's for the kids (who can't vote anyway), when in fact the average gamer is thirty.

This is a good initiative. Let's support the Video Game Voters Network before Philippine politicians start copying Joe and Hillary.

(Via Steve Glicker.)

Wanted: LAMP Programmer

Key-In Data Solutions CEO Graham Leach is a cool guy, so I'm reposting this requirement of his:
Seeking Senior/Intermediate LAMP programmer for multiple projects. Immediate requirement. Independent, mature, 2- or 3-tier experience with at least two of the following: Web Services, XML, SMS Gateway,template/code separation, Dreamweaver MX integration. Coding architect preferred.
Email me your resumés so I can forward them to Graham.

This is Why I'm Not Catholic

More Sister Dynamite here.

You are What You Post

Andrea Weckerle points out Steven Silvers' transparent generation, offering my picture as an example.

I agree with Steven as well, Andrea: you are what you post. That's exactly why more people need to get on social media: they shouldn't leave their global reputations to third parties.

That's why sex columnist Asia Agcaoili (left) and singer Sheree Bautista (right) should blog. ;)

PageBites Pays $100 for Interview

Anyone here from the San Francisco Bay Area? PageBites, a startup that helps stalkers indexes resumes and bios, is looking for programmers. They're offering $100 for an interview and $20,000 as a signing bonus.

They should consider outsourcing to the Philippines. We have some damn good programmers over here, and you can live comfortably in the Philippines for half that kind of money.

(Via Steve Rubel.)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Vash the Teacher

Pic of the day, folks:

Vash the Stampede gives up gunslinging and takes up teaching.

(Via Pinoy Cosplay.)

Anonymous Ungrammatical Pitches

Some guy just sent me a pitch that starts "Dear Lister".
Dear Lister,

We are an HR consultancy company here in OMAN. Currently, am looking a consultancy company there in Philippines to help us work on the project for our client, an oil and gas exploration, production and crude oil marketing activities here in Muscat, Oman which employs more than 90 staff directly and indirectly. This includes more than 50 graduate professionals, where most of them have not less than 7 years of experience.

The scope of the project will be as follow:
-Performance Management System
-HR Policy
-Employment Contract

Our projected timeline for this is 1 1/2 months. Pls send me your proposals and company profile on or before Friday 17th of March 2006 so we can prepare the invitation visa for your consultants.

Freelance HR Consultants will also be entertained. Send your resume for our reference on or before Friday 17th of March 2006 so we can prepare the invitation visa

Feel free to email or call me if you have any question. Thanks and have a nice day!

Jon E. Sales
Operations Manager-OMAN Region
Oman Mobile #: +96892795011

Penthouse 2, DANAH Bldg., Al Ghubrah P. O. BOX 536
Miha Al Fahal, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Telephone #: (+968) 24493931
Fax #: (+968) 24493935
Grammar aside guys, if you're gonna pitch me, don't call me a "lister". And at least know something about me: besides this essay I once quoted as a COO facing HR challenges, what on Earth makes this guy think I know anything about HR?

RF Online Tracker Up, Seeds Low

Good news: Level Up's RF Online torrent tracker is finally up.

Bad news: I spot only eight sources. At this rate, it's a three-day download. And their Ragnarok torrent tracker is still down.

As I expected, their CTO Abet is pulling through on RF Online's P2P digital distribution. Now it's their marketing guys' turn. Remember that torrents work only when enough people seed them.

In old-school marketer terms: publicize the damn thing so it'll work better. Torrents aren't like traditional direct downloads; the more people use them, the better they work. Educate your market; torrents aren't as hard as you think. In fact, here's a simple guide to downloading files with BitTorrent.

I'd normally charge for this advice, but I want my damn RF Online!

Don't Sell to Dell, Alienware!

Oh, Alienware, say it ain't so!

Cutting-edge gaming and graphics PC maker Alienware is rumored to be selling out to Dell. Don't do it, guys -- no amount of money is worth the shame of ugly dumbed-down systems and Dell Hells.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Forrester Compiles Social Technology List

I've mentioned before that many technologies enable networked markets.

Forrester's just included an awesome list of those technologies in their latest report. Click thumbnail to view.

(Via Steve Rubel.)

Sexy Naruto Joins Pinoy Cosplay

We've been talking about her for a while now, so I'm delighted she's joined the conversation.

Welcome world-famous Sexy no Jutsu Naruto cosplayer Lindsey Wollan to Pinoy Cosplay!

Thanks to Filipina gamer-blogger-cosplayer and Pinoy Cosplay member Marikit for inviting Lindsey! Marikit's opened a cosplayer interview section on her blog: Cosplay Conversations. If you want to further understand this demonstrative, empowering artform of youth media prosumer evangelism, check it out. ;)

Google Mars

I love the way Google's 20% time projects fuel their ambition.

Check out Google Mars.

If I worked there, one of my 20% time projects would be Google Cosplay.

(Via Alex Morganis.)

Thanks for Tuning In!

My podcast hosting provider, podOmatic, now offers instant stats. Thanks for tuning in to my podcast, guys!

Creepy 9-11 Documentary

I don't know if these guys have been playing too much Metal Gear...

...but this is a damn creepy angle on 9-11. Make sure you're sitting down while you watch it.

On a side note, the video uses some really cool Google Earth virtual camera work.

(Via John C. Dvorak.)

Dvorak's Japanese Babes

As a kid, I remember reading John C. Dvorak's PC Magazine columns. He's the original Cranky Geek.

As a man, I'm delighted he's putting pictures of hot young Japanese babes in his blog posts. He's now the Cranky Horny Geek.

PR King Explains "Press isn't God" Quote

Richard Edelman just emailed to remind me that he's put some context to a quote I lauded the other day.

You're absolutely right, Richard: even ex-gods can play vital roles. Heck, I just spent my whole evening meeting with national TV network execs, because they play a key role in a project I'm involved in.

I still think it's a good quote. ;)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Guy Kawasaki Disses PowerPoint

Guy Kawasaki: Never let panelists use PowerPoint. Even if the panelists are CEOs and Nobel Prize winners, never let them give a “brief” PowerPoint presentation. If one panelist uses PowerPoint, everyone else will want to. Then the session will encounter the technical difficulty of making multiple laptops work with the projector or the challenge of integrating presentations into one. Forget it.

The evil of PowerPoint is self-replicating.

(Via Hugh Macleod.)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

PR King Disses MSM

Richard Edelman to the mainstream media: You're not God anymore.


17-Year-Old Whiz Builds Superior Flickr Competitor

A seventeen-year-old kid just built a technically superior Flickr competitor called Zooomr in only three months.

Yup, you read that right. A seventeen-year-old kid just trumped a Yahoo service in only three months. Hey, Jerry Yang, wake up!

Make Your Own Steve Jobs Keynote!

Click the phrases to make your own Steve Jobs keynote!

(By d-kathy.)